Stay Motivated in Quarantine
I published this article on April 12th, 2020 on LinkedIn. The world is different now then it was when COVID first hit, but I still think these tips can still be helpful for anyone struggling with a lack of external motivation.
In struggling with the lack of certain external motivators, like in-person meetings to force us to be presentable, I came up with some strategies for keeping up my motivation to self-improve (or at least not decline!) during quarantine. Here are five tips to Stay Motivated in Quarantine.
First, do something simple that you have always wanted to do. No need to become an amazing chef. Start with just one meal you have been wanting to make — maybe something you like to eat fresh at home or at a restaurant that does not taste good delivered. For me, that was a burger.
Second, get organized. Do you like checking things off a list? If so, then put every little thing on. Pat yourself on the back and check off the list when you exercise, even for a little bit, or yes — let’s admit it –make yourself presentable, even if it is for a video call!
Third, make that list realistic. Break things down: small bites for today, a little more ambition for the week. If things are not progressing as quickly, move items to the next week. The point is to stay the course and keep making progress on those goals.
Fourth, pay attention to what time of day works for you to do what activity. Are you more productive with work at night and have you always wanted the option to work from home as a night owl? This is your opportunity to try it out. Figure out if you exercise most easily in the morning or maybe in the middle of the day. If you are going to wait until 3PM to take a shower, you may as well have your 2PM workout as an excuse!
Fifth, find ways to get external accountability. If you are applying for jobs and you are not seeing results, set up networking conversations to get feedback and information. This way you are working smart and not just putting in effort. If you are trying to get in shape, maybe schedule time with a trainer who can assess your strengths and weaknesses.
Whatever you do or do not do, it is important to celebrate everything you do with a simple acknowledgement that it is hard to stay motivated, especially when we are working harder for less and there are so few rewards available to us.