Businesswoman writing with pen

Jasmin’s Publications

Jasmin is a regular contributor to Advisor Perspectives, Forbes, and on issues pertaining to how the asset management industry and financial regulation impacts investors. She has also been a contributor to BoardIQ, The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, InvestmentNews, and The Penn Regulatory Review. Her articles guide individuals on how to best optimize investment strategies, such as retirement portfolios, so they can save time while saving for the future. Throughout her writing, she seeks to promote the financial access, literacy, and empowerment of retail investors.

Jasmin works closely with clients to develop and enhance their services through a structured and methodical process. With deep expertise in the asset management industry and securities regulation, Jasmin produces research papers, comment letters to regulators, and news articles. Jasmin collaborates with clients to make the most of internal resources, including data, to produce research that elevates their business services. Jasmin’s publications span a wide variety of topics, including investor empowerment, corporate governance, and optimal securities regulation.