Crypto Currency Jasmin Sethi Crypto Currency Jasmin Sethi

How to Build a Diversified Crypto Allocation

Written by the SCA team and published in Advisor Perspective.

As the blockchain ecosystem develops and new cryptocurrencies spawn, investors are attempting to diversify their holdings to effectively capture the crypto market. After investors determine how much of their portfolios they want to dedicate to cryptocurrencies, a question soon follows: Which cryptocurrencies should constitute those holdings?

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Crypto Currency Jasmin Sethi Crypto Currency Jasmin Sethi

How Safely Are You Trading Cryptocurrencies?

Investing in cryptocurrency comes with many risks. While some risks, like extreme price volatility, have become well-known and well-understood by the general public, others remain obscure and leave retail investors potentially vulnerable. From June 2020 to June 2021, 13% of Americans purchased or traded cryptocurrencies, according to a University of Chicago survey.

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Gamification Jasmin Sethi Gamification Jasmin Sethi

Is Gamification Bad for Investors?

The paradox brought about by digital trading platforms is that digital nudges, also called behavioral prompts, have the potential to both aid and hinder investors. Nudges can positively influence investors by encouraging behaviors--like saving--that benefit investors and serve their personal goals.

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Conflicts of Interest Jasmin Sethi Conflicts of Interest Jasmin Sethi

How the SEC Can Make Relationship Summaries Useful for Investors

Customer Relationship Summaries, also known as Form CRS, are a key accompaniment to the SEC’s Regulation Best Interest, or Reg BI, which governs the standard of conduct for broker/dealers. As of last year, broker/dealers, Registered Investment Advisors, and dually registered firms must provide each client, or prospective client, with the firm’s Form CRS.

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Robo-advisors Jasmin Sethi, Isabel Brown, & Megan Gallagher Robo-advisors Jasmin Sethi, Isabel Brown, & Megan Gallagher

Comparing Robo-Advisors: Albert, Stash, Ellevest

In this piece, I review three additional robos: Albert, Ellevest, and Stash. Overall, each of these robo-advisors provide a distinct experience with the objective of helping individuals in different circumstances save for retirement (and other goals, but we focus primarily on retirement here) through a streamlined and convenient process.

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Robo-advisors Jasmin Sethi and Jennifer Luong Robo-advisors Jasmin Sethi and Jennifer Luong

Should Your Robo Adviser Include Guaranteed Income Products?

Robo advisers can be very practical and efficient for investors. While robos generally are beneficial as they often invest in low-cost funds and ETFs, ideally, they should also include quality single-premium immediate annuities (SPIAs) and deferred-income annuities (DIAs) to simplify investment planning and allow retirees to spend more.

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Annuities Aron Szapiro and Jasmin Sethi Annuities Aron Szapiro and Jasmin Sethi

Should Your Employer Default You Into an Annuity?

Congress has been devoting a lot more attention to annuities lately--and with good reason. As discussed in a recent Morningstar paper, some annuities that we call GIPs, or guaranteed income products, fill a role that is sorely lacking in the retirement investment catalog: They supplement Social Security by providing stable streams of income during retirement.

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Public Option: Why Can’t It Be The American Way

While political commentators can debate whether the administration is centrist or leftist, the important question for those concerned about policy over politics is what is the most effective and practically feasible way to solve many of the social and economic problems causing and resulting from the tremendous amount of inequality in the US. In some areas, a public option has been suggested as the solution.

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