
With demonstrated regulatory expertise in securities compliance, Regulation Best Interest, derivatives, and a number of other areas, SCA advises companies in the asset management and fintech space. We counsel major industry participants, such as Morningstar, through extensive knowledge and notable experience in law and finance to guide clients to their desired results. SCA has experience communicating technical concepts in quantitative analysis and data science to investors, clients, and regulators.

SCA also advises start-ups on business strategy and operations when faced with regulatory challenges, such as lengthy SEC registration processes, helping companies adapt their business models within a complex regulatory landscape. We assist clients by finding the most effective ways to utilize their resources and leverage existing infrastructures.

Our Clients Include:

Fidelity Labs

Morningstar Inc. Client Solutions

Morningstar Inc. Sustainability Research Group

Morningstar Inc. Policy Advocacy Group

The World Bank: DE-JURE Initiative

Ether Advisory Partners, Inc.

BlackRock: Legal and Government Relations

